Biohacking Breakdown

We all want to be the best version of ourselves. Mentally and physically we all strive to be strong and healthy. Biohacking may just be the answer to slow down the inevitable aging process in the best way possible. Biohacking involves making several small changes to your lifestyle and diet with the goal of improving your overall health and well-being. 

Many people have adopted this form of self care biology throughout the years and use it for many different reasons. This involves slowing down the aging process through lifestyle factors such as sleep, diet, exercise, and stress management. Biohacking can be used for disease prevention, anti-aging, or simply to create a healthier lifestyle. There are a variety of ways one could use biohacking and it may just have the anti-aging properties you were looking for. 

Intermittermitent fasting is a method of biohacking through diet. It is known that what we eat is important to our overall health, but research shows that when we eat matters as well. Intermittent fasting is sometimes talked about in the diet culture as it has been successful for those who are trying to lose fat. Not only can intermittent fasting help with weight loss, but it can have a positive effect on energy and help build muscles. When your body is allowed to rest during the fasted state, you experience a number of benefits. When you fast, you increase your levels of growth hormones as much as five times their normal rate, which boosts your metabolic rate. Fasting can also reduce your insulin resistance, which lowers your blood sugar and makes stored body fat more accessible to burn. Intermittent fasting is a technique where fasting occurs for 14-16 hours.  For example, a person can fast from 8pm until 12pm the following day, and eat between 12:01pm and 8 pm.

Another example of biohacking is cold water therapy. You may have heard of cold plunging before as it has become widely popular. Though it may sound freezing and intimidating, there are many benefits to cold water therapy. Cold water therapy can improve the cardiovascular system, immune system, endocrine system, and mental health. Additionally, Infrared light therapy is a form of biohacking that can offer healing to the body. During an Infrared light therapy session you can achieve detoxification, heart health, muscle recovery, anti-aging benefits, relaxation, increased immunity, better sleep, and weight loss. 

For more in depth information on biohacking, Dr. Huberman offers podcasts weekly that offer science-based tools for everyday life.

Since everybody is created differently, it is important to listen to your body and its response to biohacking and decide what feels good and fuels the body in a positive way. Whether you fast, jump in a freezing cold tub, or sweats out during Infrared light therapy, biohacking is intended to help you make lifestyle changes that last a lifetime. 


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