What Is Ozempic Face?

If you engage in mainstream media, you may have heard of the drug Ozempic. Originally created for people with type II diabetes, as it helps lower blood sugar levels and regulate insulin, Ozempic (semaglutide) has gotten a lot of recent attention for its weight loss side effects. Though Ozempic has been a big help for people with diabetes, prediabetes, PCOS, reducing insulin resistance, and other related conditions, like every drug, it comes with side effects as well. Because weight loss is a major side effect, those who have lost a significant amount of weight in their face may experience “Ozempic Face.” 

Ozempic face, though not specific to the drug, is a term that describes a loss of elasticity and plumpness in the face. With the loss of facial fat following weight loss, a sagging, gaunt look of the facial skin especially in the cheek areas sometimes appears in those who are taking Ozempic. Fat loss from the face is often common with any weight loss, however a substantial amount in a short period of time can cause one's skin to appear saggy and aged.

There are guidelines in place when it comes to Ozempic medication administration. Because drastic rapid weight loss seems to be the cause of “Ozempic Face,” the expertise of the prescriber is key in this case because weight loss should be a slow process, rather than a rapid process which will help the loss of elasticity. Most prescribers recommend to keep the dose low and only go up as tolerated each month according to the recommended dosin. Typically, patients are on the lowest dose that’s effective for them.

So how do you combat Ozempic Face?  Because of the benefits Ozempic has in lowering your A1C, reducing the risk of type II diabetes, and reducing the risk of cardiovascular related diseases, patients taking Ozempic often reported the benefits highly outweigh the side effects. Dermal fillers such as Sculptra, hyaluronic acid fillers, or even fat transfer procedures with a plastic surgeon, are some options to assist with sagging skin after a rapid weight loss. Filler can provide fullness along with smoothness of the face that was lost due to significant weight loss. Dermal filler can be injected in areas such as the chin, cheeks and under eye area and is FDA approved. Along with injectables, if you’re looking to improve skin appearance after weight loss, a healthy diet, proper hydration, avoiding smoking, and always applying spf are great options for maintaining healthy skin. Skin care that includes the use of a bioactive ingredient like tretinoin, a retinol derivative can be beneficial for collagen restoration as well.

Like any medication, patients should be monitored while taking Ozempic. Prescribers may also prescribe anti-nausea medications, laxatives or stool softeners to help with other side effects, such as GI side effects. There are a variety of treatments one can try to help with “Ozempic Face” and many people have reported to feel rewarded by the treatments available.


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