as we age, Bumps and Lumps Appear

Aging is full of surprises; skin tags, small and large lesions, hyper-pigmented sun spots, and all sorts of barnacles that appear on the skin as we age. Though it may seem scary and you may want these lumps and bumps removed, oftentimes these growths that spontaneously pop up are benign. An important note is to always report a new lesion to your dermatologist, especially if it is asymmetric, has irregular borders, and abnormal in color. On the cosmetic side, there are in fact treatments to remove the discolored lumps and bumps. 

A very common lesion that appears on the skin is called a sebaceous hyperplasia. Sebaceous hyperplasias appear as small shiny bumps on the skin, especially the face. These yellow-ish skin color bumps most frequently appear on the forehead and nose. Though benign, occasionally they can be unsightly and bothersome to the eye. Luckily, there are treatments to remove them. Electrocauterization, laser therapy, and retinoids can help remove these bumps. Sebaceous hyperplasia lesions are typically caused by an overgrowth of keratin, as well as some research has shown that sun damage is linked to them. Though you may need several rounds of treatment, retinoids and salicylic acid can help lesson the size and volume of these sebaceous glands . 

Cherry angiomas are another benign, yet often annoying lesion that spontaneously present on the skin. These spots typically appear bright red, are circular or oval in shape, and small. Some cherry angiomas appear smooth and even with your skin, while others appear slightly raised. They most often grow on the torso, arms, legs, and shoulders. An estimated 50% of adults have cherry angiomas on their skin after age 30. The treatment of cherry angiomas is similar to the sebaceous hyperplasia removal. Through lasers and electrocautery the angiomas can be treated. Another option is cryosurgery which is the use of liquid nitrogen which is commonly known to be quick and an easy way to remove the lesions. 

Skin tags are a common growth that many people notice as they get older. These benign tags are soft, smoothe, and can range in a flesh like color, to dark blue, and brown. Skin tags are made up of collagen and blood vessels. They typically show up in the folds of the skin for example, in the groin area, thighs, neck and armpits. Whether the skin tag gets irritated or you simply do not like the appearance, there are ways to remove them. Cryosurgery, burning them with electrocautery, and surgical removal with scissors are all quick treatments that can be done to treat the growths.

As we age, there are many surprises that appear and pop-up on the skin. It is always recommended to see a dermatologist or specialist if you notice bleeding in a lesion, changes in size, shape, or color. Especially if you notice any changes in appearance, it can be a sign of skin cancer. However for the benign lumps and bumps, there are cosmetic procedures to have these lesions removed that often are quick, painless and easy.


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