Filler Fatigue

What is filler fatigue? Think of a brand new balloon. Fill it with as much air as possible, and release the air. Now refill it and release the air once more. The balloon has now become loose and has lost most of its elasticity. What does this have to do with filler? Well, filler fatigue can be thought of in the same way as this balloon. The use of dermal filler injections over an extended period of time can lead to an overdone look. 

Facial fillers are injectables that are injected into the soft tissue to fill in fine lines, wrinkles, and replace lost facial volume. They are a wonderful non-surgical aid in providing structure and lifting aging features. However, having a lot of facial fillers in your 20’s and 30’s may cause a swollen/puffy look in your 40’s. Repetitive excess filler over time can result in an unnatural, heavy looking face which can be avoided by doing less filler at a young age.

Filler is hydrophilic, meaning it attracts water as well as brings additional water to the area for a more plump look. Sometimes when too much filler is injected, it is later presented as a puffy face. What was once defined cheekbones or a defined jawline, can result in what is called “pillow face.” Filler can last anywhere from 6 months to 5 years depending on the patient, type of injectable, location, etc. 

I am all for well placed dermal fillers to add volume when necessary. I encourage a consultation with your licensed medical provider to evaluate your facial anatomy and treatment outcomes. This way your injector can decide the concentration and dose of the filler that is best for you. In some cases, patients may not have significant volume loss and collagen stimulating treatments may be a better option. 

Co2 laser resurfacing and Fraxel Dual Laser may help with mild collagen stimulation for those who do not have significant volume loss. These treatments can be used to revitalize the skin on the face, neck, and chest.  Another option for volume replacement outside of traditional Dermal Filler, is a new FDA product called Renuva. This is a synthetic fat replacement to add facial volume without the hydrophilic effects.

If you are interested in filler, contact me for a consultation and we can discuss the best anti-aging options for your skin.




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