Exosomes might be the next big thing in skincare and anti-aging, so what are exosomes? Or what is an exosome? Exosomes are messenger particles that release naturally from a cell. These particles are responsible for cell to cell communication and carry genetic information and proteins to cells throughout the body. They then create pathways for cells to communicate. So what is the point of this biology lesson about messenger particles? Well, this cell-to-cell communication is essential for cell health, therefore working to treat the skin from aging.

Exosomes can improve your skin in a variety of ways. First, they are great for improving skin texture by increasing collagen and elastin production. By doing so, they can increase the thickness of the skin and help it appear more firm. Exosomes are also able to help with skin tone, improving overall skin appearance. Skin pigmentation is a coordinated effort between melanocytes and keratinocytes. Both cell types can secrete exosomes and can take up exosomes from each other. Lastly, exosomes can restore hair follicles, and prevent thinning of the hair. Exosome therapy is a safe and effective way to restore hair loss due to its high concentration of growth factors. 

So what sets exosomes apart from stem cell therapy? What makes exosomes unique is that they have three times the amount of growth factors than adult stem cells. This results in more growth factors, which means a greater ability to restore and revitalize target cells. Unlike stem cell therapy, exosomes do not involve donor cells in your body. Instead, they are extracted from donated human placenta. Donated human placenta tissue source (MSCs) are then sterilized and the final solution contains valuable lipids, messenger-RNA, micro-RNA, signaling cytokines, and proteins.  

Exosomes take anti-aging therapy to the next level creating gradient, healthy, and glowing skin. If you are interested in exosomes, or would like to hear more about the safe and effective treatment schedule or book a consultation here.


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